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About Flats for Sale in Acharnes, Greece

The charming city of Acharnes, seated in the heart of Attiki, Greece, is an idyllic destination for those seeking stunning vistas, quaint lanes, ample parking, educational zones, and cost-effective flats for sale. This assortment presents a vibrant mix of deals carefully selected by experienced real estate professionals and private proprietors eager to showcase all the splendors of life in Acharnes.

What is the average price to buy an apartment in Acharnes, Greece?

The charming town of Acharnes, in Attiki, Greece, beckons those who desire stunning mountain views, paved paths, ample parking, school zones, and reasonably priced flats for sale. This selection showcases a diverse array of options carefully selected by real estate professionals and private proprietors keen to share the allure of life in Acharnes. It provides a picturesque setting complemented by the warm Greek hospitality, making it an attractive investment option or place to call home.


Does it worth to invest in apartment in Acharnes?

Investing in apartments for sale in Acharnes, Attiki, Greece is fueled by the area's rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. With Acharnes being one of the largest suburbs in Athens, it offers both bustling city life and tranquil residential areas. Investors are attracted by the potential for a high return on investment, especially in the tourism sector through rental income. Additionally, Greece’s Golden Visa Program, which provides residency permits in return for property investments, is a chief motivator.

What are the most popular neighborhoods in Acharnes for buying apartments?


Menidi is a popular neighborhood for buying apartments in Acharnes, Greece. It's known for its close proximity to the city center and easy access to highways. Housing options here range from modern apartments to traditional Greek homes, most of which are located near local amenities like shops, restaurants, and cafes.


Located in the northern part of Acharnes, Pefki is a peaceful residential area that is becoming increasingly popular among apartment buyers. It is known for its tree-lined streets, parks, and a mixture of old and new properties. With its prime location near the city's main shopping and business centers, Pefki offers the perfect blend of city life and suburban tranquility.


Thrakomakedones is a neighborhood known for its stunning panoramic views of Athens and the Saronic Gulf. Many expats find this area desirable for its tranquil lifestyle and close proximity to the countryside. The neighborhood is home to a mix of modern and traditional properties and is within a short distance from local taverns, restaurants, and shops. Properties in this neighborhood range from moderately priced to luxurious, and many apartments offer beautiful views.

What is the average price per square foot for apartments in Acharnes?

The average price per square foot for apartments in Acharnes, Attiki, Greece can greatly vary depending on factors such as location, size, and condition of the property. Generally, the prices can range from low to mid-range, making it more affordable compared to other regions. However, to get an actual figure, it is advised to check the most recent listings or consult a local real estate agent for the most accurate and up-to-date information.